Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Habitat Enhancement by Youth Crews

Funding Opportunity Number: F14AS00106
Opportunity Category:Discretionary
Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
Category of Funding Activity: Education
Employment, Labor and Training
CFDA Number: 15.676
Eligible ApplicantsOthers (see text field entitled “Additional Information on Eligibility” for clarification)
Agency Name:DOI-FWS
Closing Date:Mar 12, 2014
Award Ceiling: $60,000
Expected Number of Awards:1
Creation Date:Mar 05, 2014
Funding Opportunity Description:The purpose of this federal assistance is to restore and manage native habitat on federal lands, adjacent nonfederal lands and areas of interest in support of the USFWS youth program located throughout the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin. To accomplish this goal, the recipient intends to provide youth crews to restore both native grassland, oak savannas, wetland, riparian, and forest habitat; in addition to other stewardship services such as invasive species removal, hazardous fuel reduction, fence line removal, tree cutting and or planting, habitat mapping and installation of parking lots and gates to provide for and direct public access. These actions will help conserve and protect native plants and animals for not only their benefit, but also for the public good derived from such conservation efforts. Through the activities provided through this Agreement, the Service will be better able to manage grassland, wetland, riparian, forest and oak savanna habitat. Many of these activities will be projects completed by working side by side with Service staff in the field.

Substantial involvement on the part of the USFWS is anticipated for the successful completion of the activities to be funded. In particular, the USFWS will be responsible for the following:

1. Provide maps and technical expertise, or specialized instruction in the use of equipment for the removal of invasive species. Provide instruction and training on the identification of invasive species, including reasons for control and appropriate timing and methods of control techniques.

2. As needed, provide chemical for spot treatment of invasive species.

3. Provide equipment and vehicle storage location for the recipient’s crew during the work period.

4. Provide instruction and training on the proper restoration of oak savanna, a rare habitat type that represents one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world.

5. Work alongside recipient crews to identify and properly harvest various native prairie grass and forb species.

6. Provide direction and project locations to maximize grassland bird benefits derived from invasive species control and tree removal through the creation of large blocks of grassland. As needed and available, provide GIS analysis of project sites to maximize grassland blocks.

7. Complete neighbor contacts and discussions to coordinate removal of trees and invasive species on common fence lines. When needed, in partnership with the recipient, provide operator and equipment to work with fence line removal projects.

8. Provide instruction and training on riparian restoration techniques and trout management.

9. Provide locations and specifications for the installation of parking lots and or gates; and complete necessary permits and utility locate calls. When needed, provide operator and equipment to recipient to complete parking lot and or gate projects.

Read more here:

Habitat Enhancement by Youth Crews


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